Available by the pound or up to 35% off your order in bulk discounts. Check out our gold ore for sale here.
Monthly Club members receive up to 40% discount, free shipping, free gifts, and up to 100 Lbs free in their 4th month. Sign up today, here.
Check out our natural, jewelry-grade gold placer nuggets on our other website here.
Need analysis done on your own ore? Check out our XRF testing lab services here.
Easy as Browse | Order | Enjoy
1. Browse our different size orders of gold ore for sale.
2. Purchase our genuine gold ore from our gold claims in Colorado through our secure and easy ordering system.
3. Enjoy! Receive your order in a matter of days because our free upgrade to USPS Priority mail shipping on every order, and enjoy crushing, processing, and refining real Colorado gold!
Lode mining is now easy do right at your own home, shop, millsite, or anywhere else your prospecting adventure takes you.
Our affordable gold ore is great for hobbyists, production gold milling, or investment in Colorado Gold!
Colorado Gold Ore is Colorado's best kept secret for Gold Ore!
Here at Colorado Gold Ore and Colorado Gold Ore LLC, we strive to offer the best gold ore for sale on the web today. Colorado Gold Ore is a small family business based out of beautiful Boulder, Colorado. We proudly take our old family Toyota truck, a few dozen five gallon buckets, and a pile of hand tools and shovels to the famous mining districts and towns from the Colorado Gold Rush to hand mine and select ore for you.
Our customers who thoroughly process our ore often report positive ROI and purchase between 25 and 100 pounds from us a month. Everyone has their own techniques to crushing, milling, and refining, and if you are willing to put in the work, you will be able recover some shiny pure gold profit. Our most successful customers buy in bulk to access our impressive discount pricing.
We have our own in house XRF analysis lab if you need your own ores tested and also have equipment to do precious metals, environmental, lead, manufacturing, and many other types of anayslsis.
We aim for 100% satisfaction. We put a lot of physical work and technique into finding you the best gold ore. If you are not happy with your order in any way, please feel free to contact us so we can see how to turn you into a happy ore customer!
Questions? Our customers' needs come first.
Contact our customer service and support team HERE.
www.coloradogoldore.com is proudly owned and operated by Colorado Gold Ore LLC, L.L.C., a small family-owned, Colorado based prospecting company.